Heather is a Chartered Legal Executive and specialises in all aspects of Family Law.
With a wealth of experience spanning over 20 years, Heather is able to advise and assist in a sensitive and friendly manner. She is committed to providing clear explanations of the processes involved and working towards a fair, workable and cost-effective resolution. Much of her work comes through referrals from previous satisfied clients.
Heather takes instructions relating to all types of family arrangements including living together agreements, pre-and post-marital agreements, separation, divorce, financial matters following relationship breakdown, all matters relating to the children of the family and safeguarding applications such as injunctions when necessary.
As a member of Resolution, Heather adopts a practical and effective approach to all matters, taking the time to listen to her clients’ concerns and expectations with a view to providing clear and realistic advice, avoiding unnecessary conflict and instead working towards an outcome that enables them to move on to the next stage of their lives. Where it is not possible to resolve matters by agreement and Court proceedings become necessary, she will represent her clients at the various stages of the Court process.
Outside of work, Heather enjoys reading, swimming and spending time with her family. She travels as often as possible, mostly to Italy and she has been learning Italian for some time, with a view to being able to communicate whilst there.
Practice Areas
Family law
Tel: 01803 847577 (Direct dial)
Tel: 01803 862233 (Reception)
Email: heather.davis@windeatts.co.uk